Home » 2015 » March » 04

Vacaville outlet stores hit

And i have, in return, sent my 'proof' to them that it does deter crime.So, now, here in this forum, you are saying that police presence is a crime deterrent, that is refreshing.However, like jim stated, the budget doesn't allow for an officer to be stationed exclusively atThe outlets anymore.On top of that, i believe they have a large section of the residential area in vacaville, and because there seems to be quite a few citizens who can't live responsibly, the cops are responding to domestic violence calls, welfare checks at the senior housing areas and child custody exchanges.Yes, if a resident asks for an officer to be present when they exchange custody of their children to the other parent, the cop has to sit at the meeting place to make sure nothing happens, i did a ride along and we sat in a parking lot for 45 minutes waiting for the dad to show up.Now that(To me)Is a huge waste of time!The only reason i mentioned about ... Read more »

Views: 1314 | Added by: yuffie | Date: 03.04.2015 | Comments (0)